What is In Vitro Fertilization?

There are several reasons why you might need a treatment of high complexity assisted reproduction such as in vitro fertilization. So you can make a better decision, in conjunction with your medical specialist, we want to explain what it is and what are its advantages.

What is In Vitro fertilization?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproduction technique of high complexity that involves the fertilization of eggs with sperm in a lab, giving rise to embryos that are grown for their subsequent transfer to the uterus of the woman. For this technique it is necessary to have medical laboratory with high technology and a specialist in embryology, which makes Latid in the only facility that meets the requirements necessary to provide an IVF safe in The Savior.

The 6 steps of IVF

  1. Ovarian stimulation: Starts stimulating ovulation with hormone medicines, both taken as subcutaneous, using doses custom. The duration of stimulation is typically between 10 and 13 days, depending on the response of the patient until it reaches the appropriate size of the follicles.
  2. Ovarian puncture: also known as the uptake of ova. 36 hours before the procedure, you will be given medication to induce the maturation of the eggs. vaginal and guided by ultrasound, a puncture in the ovary in order to aspirate follicular fluid to retrieve the eggs. It is performed in the operating room under sedation, and lasts between 15 and 25 minutes.
  3. Sampling and preparation of semen: that same day the sample is being taken from semen of the husband and is processed in andrology laboratory for use in the process of fertilization.
  4. Fertilization of the eggs: for this, use the conventional IVF or IVF ICSI (microinjection of sperm). In conventional IVF, the eggs are placed in contact with the sample semen for the sperm to fertilize the woman's the egg. With the help of the microinjection of sperm, it transports the sperm directly into the egg.
  5. Embryo culture: during this stage, the embryos are deposited in incubators specialized which gives a comprehensive follow-up to their development. Depending on the number of embryos and their quality is decided on the day on which the transfer is made.
  6. Embryo transfer: once the embryos are ready, they are transported into the uterus of the woman with a special cannula transfer. This transfer is made within the operating theatre, with or without sedation, dependent of each patient.

Advantages of using In Vitro Fertilization in assisted reproduction:

  • Success rates: the odds of pregnancy success are higher with respect to other techniques of reproduction, since rise of between 42% to 85% depending on risk factors of each patient.
  • You can have children regardless of the age: this technique allows women who are past childbearing age are mothers. Even women who have already had menopause can achieve a pregnancy through in vitro fertilization with egg donor.
  • Follicular puncture: thanks to this technique, the problems in the fallopian Tubes do not affect the treatment. In addition, those women who have been tied to the tubes as a method of birth control can also go back to being mothers.
  • Optimum quality embryo: during the embryo culture in the laboratory to embryologists observe the evolution of the embryos. This allows it to be transferred to the highest quality by increasing the chances of a pregnancy to term.
  • Beyond barriers of health: thanks to this technique, the couples who are suffering from some health problem, causing sterility or infertility manage to be parents.
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: this test provides the ability to detect chromosomal abnormalities, genetic diseases, or hereditary disorders in embryos fertilized so that you can choose the most suitable and healthy for the transfer in utero.

When you make an In-Vitro Fertilization, there are several factors that influence the rate of success, among which stand out:

  • To have an accurate diagnosis prior where you detect any pathology that may affect the outcome of IVF. If any alteration is detected previously, we can resolve it before you start the IVF cycle.
  • The age of the woman directly influences the ovarian reserve and therefore in the number of eggs that we can get per cycle.
  • The more eggs we get, the more chances you have more embryos and freeze them to be able to make future attempts.
  • The eggs and embryos are qualified in different qualities according to their morphology and rate of division. Transferring embryos of good quality is paramount to avoid IVF.
  • The quality endometrial also plays an important role, and in Latid we offer the Test WAS of receptivity, endometrial measure of the ability of the same.
  • To have the most high-tech laboratory with the best techniques, incubators of last generation, PH meters in culture media... The modern laboratory and well-equipped that you find in Latid ensures that you get the best quality embryo, and, therefore, success in your IVF cycle.

What is ivf for me?

IVF is done to help couples to achieve conceive when there are causes of infertility, including:

  • Older maternal age
  • Fallopian Tubes blocked or damaged
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Menopause
  • Sterilization or removal, prior tubal ligation
  • Ovulation disorders
  • Factor infertility male: low sperm count, mobility impaired, obstruction.
  • Causes of infertility unknown

If you were to confirm that you and your partner suffer from infertility, you should not lose hope. In Latid Fertility Center you will be able to find a team of women gynaecologists and embriólogas, directed by Dr. Griselda Ramírez de Matamoros, Master's degree in Biotechnology of Human Reproduction, Assisted with extensive experience in the field of infertility and assisted reproduction. We offer all of the advanced techniques and comply with international quality standards with the goal of achieving higher success rates. In Latid we study each case to have an accurate diagnosis. In this way, each treatment is personalized and specialized according to him or the patient. We invite you to schedule a consultation in Latid.

If your dream is to become a mother, your dream is our mission.