Polycystic ovary and your reproductive potential

What is polycystic ovary syndrome?

When you get a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary, one of the first questions that you may have is: how will that affect my fertility? For a start, it is important to understand that having polycystic ovaries does not mean that you have cysts in the ovaries, and that there is a difference between having polycystic ovary (that we deserve to see on an ultrasound), and having polycystic ovary syndrome (which is also accompanied by other symptoms).

The ovarian syndrome polycystic it is a hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age who are accompanied by rules, irregular, obesity, problems of insulin resistance, and/or hiperandrogismo, which is an increase in hormones male that cause increased body hair (hirsutism), acne, and other masculine traits.

Do you have polycystic ovary means that I'm going to have trouble getting pregnant?

Not necessarily. If you have polycystic ovary and don't suffer from any of the other symptoms further, your reproductive potential is not affected. However, if there are women who have irregularities in your period, or your ovulation, so this type of female if I could present a little difficulty, although these are easier to resolve with treatment of ovulation induction.

In some less frequent cases, the polycystic ovaries can produce ovaries of poor quality. Usually, these cases are discovered after having had several failed attempts to get pregnant spontaneously or by induction of ovulation. Sometimes, the poor quality of eggs are found to be at the time of Fertilization In Vitro.

Polycystic Ovary syndrome: its impact on the reproductive potential of the female

There are women with polycystic ovary syndrome who have menstruation very spot without displaying many additional symptoms that tend to have problems when looking for a pregnancy, precisely because of the irregularity in his rule. These cases most of the times resolved with the techniques of low complexity such as the induction of ovulation for a coitus or artificial insemination.

If there are cases where the polycystic ovarian syndrome causes infertility due to poor egg quality. Your doctor can discuss which methods contribute to the ovulation and how to increase the chances of getting pregnant. There are also procedures of assisted human reproduction low-and high-complexity which you can find the Latid Fertility Center, such as Artificial insemination and In Vitro Fertilization, to increase your chances of achieving a pregnancy.

Take control of your condition

You and your doctor must work on a treatment plan based on the project of life that you want to develop. In addition to taking supplements, and adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is vital to have regular checks of your weight, review of the hormonal profile gynecologic and blood levels of insulin and glucose.

If you've been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and would like to examine your reproductive potential, I invite you to come to Latid Fertility Center to spend your first consultation of fertility.